History + Technology = Better Learning

Posted on October 24, 2011 by


When first signing up for classes last spring, I was mainly interested in Age of Exploration because of its reputation as a fun, project based class. Two months into the school year, I can say that this class has certainly lived up to, and exceeded its reputation. However, in addition to being fun and project based, there was another aspect of this c;lass that I never heard about from last year’s sophomores and upperclassmen. The new Age of Ex teacher, Mike Gwaltney, has introduced a high level of technology to this history class. In the past two months, our class has used several pieces of technology, most of which were new to me, to make this class more interesting, more engaging, and more fun then the already good reputation of this class. Through the year so far, we have used PowerPoint, started a class blog, and been introduced to Voice Thread, a way to view videos and post  text, audio, and video comments.

Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all.
-John F. Kennedy

This technology has helped me as a student engage more directly with the material and understand it better, as well as have more fun learning. The use of new technology in Age of Ex will surely help with my learning in the future, as well as my classmates; learning, especially in college and work experiences later in life. Some of the helpful aspects of  the Age of Ex class can be found HERE. Overall, technology has been a great part of Age of Ex and I hope to see it continue on as a part of the curriculum.


Posted in: Technology